Ministry of Religious Affairs and Arts Directory for the Municipality of Czernowitz for the Year 1936

Greek-Oriental (Orthodox) Cathedral
Roman Catholic Parochial Church
Israelite Temple
Click here for the PDF transcription of the 1936 Religion Directory (sorted by sector).
Click here for the PDF transcription of the 1936 Religion Directory (sorted by name).
Click here for the EXCEL datasheet of the 1936 Religion Directory (sorted by sector).
Click here for the EXCEL datasheet of the 1936 Religion Directory (sorted by name).
Click here for the PDF original copy of the 1936 Religion Directory (sorted by sector).


Unknown said...

Do lists like this exist for Ukrainian Orthodox? That would be incredibly helpful in our search. Looking for the surnames Gre(v)ul, Koropatniski, Dovbnya, Melnychuk (Millneczuk), Litowski, Bodnar, Berbenchuk, Yaschuk,Hutsul Moskal, Gregor, Sawchuk Petrushka, and Kostiniuk. All of these families knew one another before coming to Canada. Many ended up in the Insinger/Sheho, Moose Jaw, and Kindersley in Saskatchewan, Canada. Trying to solve a massive puzzle. Any information that anyone has about these surnames from the place of Vasyliv or near to there in Zastavna district in Chernivtsi region would be greatly appreciated. I can be reached at Thank you in advance for your kind assistance. Kathy.

Unknown said...

Also for me it would be very useful...

Anonymous said...

I know a bit about immigration into Saskatchewan from Bukovina.some leads you can follow is this. My grandfather said some Canadians bankers came thru handing out wallets with the bank info on it in 4 or 5 different languages and a stamped b/w pic I think it's made out of hemp kinda a grayish tan color, still have it over a hundred years old. They traveled thru the area promoting the Canadian homestead act. I bet all those families lived in same village. GL

Anonymous said...

I currently live in Canada and have information about emigrants with the surname Dovbnya and Litovsky who moved from Bukovyna to Kindersley