In order to make the listing useful and searchable, please read the following carefully:
- Surnames: The diversity of spelling for the names may cause difficulties, for example "Schwarzmann" could be listed as "Schwarzman" or "Svartman" or any other variation. Romanian diacritics have not been used, so please keep looking for different spellings.
- Given names: The same problem applies to the given names, for example "Schloime" became "Sloime", "Elias" became "Ilie", "Mechel" became "Mihai", etc. Again, Romanian diacritics have not been used, so please keep looking for different spellings.
- Occupations: JewishGen generously released the listing "Romanian Occupation Definitions - English Translations", which we have made available for download (see below). JewishGen notes "Some of these [occupation definitions] are archaic or obscure terms, no longer current. Romanian diacritics have not been used. Please note that the Romanian terms have been entered exactly as the clerks wrote them in [1936]. They are therefore subject to any mis-spellings, etc., that they might have used at that time…". Click here for the PDF listing of English Translations for the Romanian Occupations Definitions.
- Streets: This column differentiates between (ro./en./ger.) cale = avenue = Chaussee, drum = way = Weg, fundatura = dead end street = Sackgasse, piata = place = Platz, poteca = pathway = Pfad, strada = street = Straße [Gasse].
Dear Edgar,
Indeed, this is a great piece of splendid work of information and of bringing back a little of the past... Congratulations for your diligence and effort. It is a real
Multe complimente!
Und vielen vielen Dank.
Dear Gabriele,
Thank you so much for your comment. It is so friendly and encozraging for us. Warmest wishes!
Thank you so much! I have been looking for my great-grandfather for ages and now I have finally found him with these registry books!
Thank you so much for your comment. It is so friendly and encouraging for us. "Stay tuned", as the 1927 directory will follow soon. Warmest wishes!
Off topic:you might want to check this out.It contains useful info about interwar Chernivtsi.
(I used google translate)
have been looking for my great-grandfather for ages and now I have finally found him with these registry books!
how can i find metric books and find the actual records?
Please check:
Hi thanks for sharing thiis
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