Czernowitzer Deutsche Tagespost [Czernowitz German Daily Post] • Marriage & Death Notices 1936-1940

Published between 1924-1940, the the Czernowitzer Deutsche Tagespost [Czernowitz German Daily Post] was a staunchly nationalist-ethnic paper and after 1933 a mouthpiece of the German Reich Ministry of Propaganda. Normally a NO-GO, BUT: While the newspaper agitated against Czernowitz Jews and marginalized them, it nevertheless recorded the WEDDINGS & DEATHS in the city with Teutonic thoroughness. Married or dead, Jews, Christians and people of other faiths were united here and had equal rights.


Anonymous said...

The database ( for orbituaries) meanwhile is only for 1940 , right ?

Edgar Hauster said...

Yes, we start with the year 1940 and go back chronologically, 1939 will follow soon. Best wishes!